Construction Measurements
Measurement are created and added to a Simulation via dqmc[:name] = measurement(dqmc, model)
. Various properties of the measurement can be adjusted via keyword arguments, such as the lattice iteration scheme or the Wicks expanded expectation value. This will be discussed in more detail later.
The currently implemented measurements are the following:
The equal time greens function can be measured via greens_measurement(dqmc, model)
. The measurement will take the Monte Carlo average of greens(dqmc, model)
The per-site occupation $\langle n_i \rangle$ can be measured via occupation(dqmc, model)
. This will average $1 - G_{ii}$.
Charge Density
The charge density correlation $\langle \sum_r n(r) n(r+\Delta r) \rangle$ can be measured with charge_density_correlation(dqmc, model)
. The time integral of that, the charge density susceptibility can be measure with charge_density_susceptibility(mc, model)
Note that you can also pass kernel = MonteCarlo.reduced_cdc_kernel
to measure just the correlated part, i.e. $\langle \sum_r n(r) n(r+\Delta r) \rangle - \langle n(r) \rangle \langle n(r+\Delta r) \rangle$ instead.
magnetization(dqmc, model, dir::Symbol)
measures the per-site x-, y- or z-magnetizations.
Spin Density
The spin density correlation $\langle S_\gamma S_\gamma \rangle$ in x-, y- or z-direction can be measured with spin_density_correlation(dqmc, model, dir::Symbol)
. The respective susceptibilities follow from spin_density_susceptibility(dqmc, model, dir)
Like with charge density there are additional kernels that only measure the correlated part of the spin density. Use kernel = MonteCarlo.reduced_sdc_γ_kernel
with $\gamma \in {x, y, z}$ for the respective direction.
The pairing susceptibility $\Delta_v(s_1, t_1)(\tau) \Delta_v^\dagger(s_2, t_2)(0)$ can be calculated with pairing_susceptibility(dqmc, model)
. The $\tau = 0$ pairing correlation follows from pairing_correlation(dqmc, model)
Current-Current Susceptibility
current_current_susceptibility(dqmc, model)
measures $\langle j_{t_2 - s_2}(s_2, l) j_{t_1 - s_1}(s_1, 0)\rangle$ with $j_{t - s}(s, \tau) = \langle i \sum_\sigma [T_{ts} c_t^\dagger(\tau) c_s(\tau) - T_{st} c_s^\dagger(\tau) c_t(\tau)] \rangle$ where $i^2 = -1$ and $T$ is the hopping matrix.
Superfluid Density
The superfluid density can be derived from the current-current susceptibility and the Greens function. MonteCarloAnalysis.jl provides functionality for that.
The energy can be measured with total_energy(dqmc, model)
. The interacting and hopping parts can be measured independently with interaction_energy(dqmc, model)
and kinetic_energy(dqmc, model)
General Notes
All measurements are implemented via
struct DQMCMeasurement{F <: Function, GI, LI, FI, OT, T} <: AbstractMeasurement
The auxiliary field dependent greens function is readily available at any point in the simulation. As such it is the object on which measurements typically rely on. Using Wick's theorem most expectation values can be expressed in terms of greens function elements $G_{ij}(k, l) = \langle c_i(k \Delta\tau) c_j^\dagger(l \Delta\tau)\rangle$ where $i, j$ represent sites and flavors (spins), and $k, l$ represent imaginary time. The kernel
implements this expanded form.
For example, the full_cdc_kernel
implementing $\langle \sum_r n(r) n(r+\Delta r) \rangle$ looks like this:
@inline Base.@propagate_inbounds function full_cdc_kernel(
mc, ::Model, ij::NTuple{2}, packed_greens::_GM4{<: Matrix}, flv
i, j = ij
f1, f2 = flv
G00, G0l, Gl0, Gll = packed_greens
N = length(lattice(mc))
id = I[i, j] * I[G0l.k, G0l.l] * I[f1, f2]
s1 = N * (f1 - 1)
s2 = N * (f2 - 1)
# ⟨n_{σ₁}(l) n_{σ₂}(0)⟩ =
# ⟨n_{σ₁}(l)⟩ ⟨n_{σ₂}(0)⟩ +
# ⟨c_{σ₁}^†(l) c_{σ₂}(0)⟩ ⟨c_{σ₁}(l) c_{σ₂}^†(0)⟩ =
return (1 - Gll.val[i+s1, i+s1]) * (1 - G00.val[j+s2, j+s2]) +
(id - G0l.val[j+s1, i+s2]) * Gl0.val[i+s1, j+s2]
Here i, j = ij
are site indices representing $r, r + \Delta r$ coming from the lattice iterator, G00, G0l, Gl0, Gll = packed_greens
are Greens matrices at different imaginary times coming from the greens iterator, and f1, f2 = flv
are flavor (spin) indices coming from the flavor iterator. The result of the kernel is the charge density expectation value for a specific set of those indices.
These functions generally have a specialized methods implemented for the different matrix types that are used in DQMC. You can check the source code under "flavors/DQMC/measurements/constructors" for more examples.
The greens_iterator
controls which Greens functions are passed on to the kernel. Internally measurements that use the same greens_iterator
will be bundled to avoid expensive recalculations. The available iterators include:
specifies that no Greens function is neededGreens()
forwards the equal time greens functionG(0, 0)
(which matches all other equal time greens functions)GreensAt(k, l)
forwards the result ofgreens(dqmc, k, l)
, i.e. a greens function at the specific time indices $k, l$.TimeIntegral([recalculate = 2 mc.parameters.safe_mult])
creates an iterator for calculating imaginary time integral of the form $O_i = \int_0^\beta O_(\tau) d\tau$ as $O_i \approx \sum_{l = 0}^{M-1} 0.5 \Delta\tau (O_(l \Delta\tau) + O_((l+1) \Delta\tau))$. In every step this iterator will generate four greens matrices $G(0, 0)$, $G(0, l\Delta\tau)$, $G(l\Delta\tau, 0)$, $G(l\Delta\tau, l\Delta\tau)$. This internally usesCombinedGreensIterator(mc[; start, stop, recalculate])
to generate these matrices.
The lattice_iterator
controls which combination of site indices are passed to the kernel and how they are further combined before saving the measurements. For example, EachSitePairByDistance
passes any combination of two sites indices to the kernel and sums up site pairs which have the same distance between them. See the Lattices section for more detail.
The flavor_iterator
similarly specifies which flavor (spin) indices should be iterated. This is primarily an optimization used to pull a flavor sum out of the kernel. Note that this is not always possible/useful, so some measurements may not use this iterator even though multiple flavors are involved. As such this iterator should generally not be adjusted.
The observable
is the final storage of the measured values. By default this is a LogBinner
from BinningAnalysis.jl
but that can be changed. The only hard requirement is that the data structure implements push!
. If you want to use your own storage structure you can get a zero element from MonteCarlo._binner_zero_element(dqmc, lattice_iterator, MonteCarlo.geltype(dqmc))
if you need it.
The temp
field is a temporary storage Array used as a target for summation before pushing the final result of the measurement. It should be initialized with MonteCarlo._measurement_buffer(dqmc, lattice_iterator, geltype(dqmc))
. Note that this is often but not always the same as the zero element.