Crosscheck with ALF

The ALF project (Algorithms for lattice fermions) is a long running project implementing DQMC in Fortran. They have implemented various different models, lattices, stabilization methods and measurements. A relatively simple comparison for us will be the "plain vanilla Hubbard model" on a square lattice, which is close to but not exactly the same as our repulsive Hubbard model.

The ALF Simulation


The ALF project provides a python interface which we used for simplicity. For installation instructions see the link. At the time of writing pyALF is linked to ALF 2.0. (Specifically commit 82949f66065eff8214c0149c8be2d10d6d0a6822.)


You can also add a load path for pyALF temporarily in an active python session. Try import sys and sys.path.append('path/to/pyALF-ALF-2.0/').


With python, pyALF and the necessary packages installed we can now setup and run simulations. In python, we run:

import os
from py_alf import Simulation        # Interface with ALF

sims = []                            # Vector of Simulation instances
for beta in [1.0, 6.0, 12.0]:        # Values of inverse temperature beta
    sim = Simulation(
        'Hubbard',                   # Hamiltonian
        {                            # Model and simulation parameters for each Simulation instance
        'Model': 'Hubbard',          #    Base model
        'Lattice_type': 'Square',    #    Lattice type
        'L1': 4,                     #    Lattice length in the first unit vector direction
        'L2': 4,                     #    Lattice length in the second unit vector direction
        'Checkerboard': False,       #    Whether checkerboard decomposition is used or not
        'Symm': True,                #    Whether symmetrization takes place
        'ham_T': 1.0,                #    Hopping parameter
        'ham_U': 4.0,                #    Hubbard interaction
        'ham_Tperp': 0.0,            #    For bilayer systems
        'beta': beta,                #    Inverse temperature
        'Ltau': 1,                   #    '1' for time-displaced Green functions; '0' otherwise 
        'NSweep': 100,                #    Number of sweeps per bin
        'N_skip': 10,                #    skip 50 bins meaning 50x NSweep
        'NBin': 60,                 #    Number of bins
        'Dtau': 0.1,                 #    Only dtau varies between simulations, Ltrot=beta/Dtau
        'Mz': True,                  #    If true, sets the M_z-Hubbard model: Nf=2, N_sum=1,
        },                           #             HS field couples to z-component of magnetization
        alf_dir=os.getenv('ALF_DIR', './ALF'), # Directory with ALF source code. Gets it from 
                                               # environment variable ALF_DIR, if present

sims[0].compile()                        # Compilation needs to be performed only once

import time

print("\nRunning sims\n")
for i, sim in enumerate(sims):
    t0 = time.time()                            # Perform the actual simulation in ALF
    print(time.time() - t0)
for i, sim in enumerate(sims):
    print(sim.sim_dir)                   # Directory containing the simulation output

Let's briefly go over some of the options picked here. One noteworthy option is Symm. With it you can switch between a symmetric (True) and antisymmetric (False) Trotter decomposition. In MonteCarlo.jl we use the symmetric version so we should do so here too. Next we have Ltau. As mentioned in the comment this controls whether time displaced greens function are calculated, and by extension whether time displaced observables (susceptibilties) are calculated. We want to compare as much as possible so we set Ltau = 1.

And finally we have the combination of NSweep, N_skip and NBin. NSweep is the number of sweeps in a block, which is usually followed by a measurement. NBin sets how many of those blocks are executed and N_skip disables measurements for some number of blocks at the start. Thus we have the relations thermalization = NSweep * N_skip, sweeps = NSweep * (NBin - N_skip) and measure_rate = NSweep.

Regarding the choices for NSweep, N_skip and NBin it is also important to discuss the model ALF implements and how it is implemented. As mentioned before it is not quite the same as the repulsive Hubbard model from DQMC. ALF implements

\[\mathcal{H}= - t \sum\limits_{\langle {i}, {j} \rangle, \sigma={\uparrow,\downarrow}} \left( \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \sigma} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{j},\sigma} + \text{H.c.} \right) - \frac{U}{2}\sum\limits_{{i}}\left[ \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} - \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \right]^{2} - \mu \sum_{{i},\sigma } \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \sigma} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i},\sigma}. \]

which features a quadratic interaction rather than the $\sim (n_\uparrow - 0.5)(n_\downarrow - 0.5)$ term used in MonteCarlo.jl. If we apply a Hirsch transformation (like in MonteCarlo.jl) to both of these interactions, we end up with the same expression. Thus they would be the same from the simulations point of view. However ALF uses a different, (potentially) more precise transformation based on Gauß-Hermite quadrature. Thus some small differences are to be expected.

For more information on the Hamiltonian and transformation used by ALF see the ALF documentation

The MonteCarlo.jl Simulation

The MonteCarlo.jl simulation should more or less mirror the options picked for ALF. We run

using Revise, MonteCarlo, Printf, LinearAlgebra

mcs = []
@time for beta in [1.0, 6.0, 12.0]
    m = HubbardModel(4, 2, U = -4.0)
    # There are propagation errors on the scale of 10^-7 - 10^-6 which produce
    # frequent warnings without silent = true
    mc = DQMC(
        m, beta=beta, thermalization=5_000, sweeps=15_000, 
        print_rate=5_000, delta_tau = 0.1, measure_rate=1,
        field = MagneticGHQField, safe_mult = 10, silent = true
    # our default versions
    mc[:G] = greens_measurement(mc, m)
    mc[:SDCz] = spin_density_correlation(mc, m, :z)
    mc[:SDSz] = spin_density_susceptibility(mc, m, :z)
    mc[:T] = kinetic_energy(mc, m)
    # charge density correlations in ALF only consider the correlated part
    mc[:DenDen] = charge_density_correlation(mc, m, kernel = MonteCarlo.reduced_cdc_kernel)
    mc[:DenDenTau] = charge_density_susceptibility(mc, m, kernel = MonteCarlo.reduced_cdc_kernel)

    # ALF defines our I - G as the measured Greens function
    function mygreens(mc, m, ij, G, flv)
        i, j = ij
        return I[i, j] - G.val.blocks[flv][j, i]
    mc[:Gr] = MonteCarlo.Measurement(
        mc, m, Greens(), EachSitePairByDistance(), 1:2, mygreens
    # The interaction energy needs to be adjusted to ALF's Hamiltonian
    function my_intE(mc, m, idxs, G, flv)
        E = 0.0; N = length(lattice(mc))
        Gup, Gdown = G.val.blocks
        for i in 1:N
            E += (1 - Gup[i, i]) * (1 - Gdown[i, i])
        m.U * E
    mc[:V] = MonteCarlo.Measurement(mc, m, Greens(), nothing, nothing, my_intE)
    function myGk(mc, m, ij, Gs, flv)
        G00, G0l, Gl0, Gll = Gs; 
        i, j = ij
        0.5 * Gl0.val.blocks[flv][i, j]
    mc[:IGk] = MonteCarlo.Measurement(
        mc, m, TimeIntegral(mc), EachSitePairByDistance(), 1:2, myGk
    push!(mcs, mc)

With the given parameters the simulations will take about 6min. This can be reduced further by cutting down on the number of sweeps or the measure_rate at the cost of accuracy.

A few observables we measure have been adjusted to match ALF. First we have the real space equal time Greens function :Gr which measures $\delta(\Delta r) - G(\Delta r) = \sum_r c_r^\dagger c_{r + \Delta r}$. The MonteCarlo.jl Greens function is given as $c c^\dagger$, so we need to swap the operator order. This can be done with swapop(G)[i + (flv-1)*N, j + (flv-1)*N] or more efficiently with I[i, j] - G.val.blocks[flv][j, i]. The former works for any matrix type, but calls slow custom indexing. The latter is specialized for BlockDiagonal matrices, which we have in this case. flv represents the spin index which results in a shift by N (number of sites) in the first case and access to the second block in the latter.

Next we have the interaction energy :V which needs adjustments to the different pre-transformation term ALF uses. We calculate $\langle V \rangle = \frac{U}{2} \sum_i \langle V_i \rangle$ where

\[\langle V_i \rangle = \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} - \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} - \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} + \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle\]

Each term needs to be Wicks-expanded

\[\begin{aligned} \langle V_i \rangle = \phantom{-} &\langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle + \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle - \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle - \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \\ - &\langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle - \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \uparrow} \rangle + \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle + \langle \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \langle \hat{c}^{\phantom\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \hat{c}^{\dagger}_{{i}, \downarrow} \rangle \end{aligned}\]

so it can be exchanged by Greens function elements

\[\begin{aligned} \langle V_i \rangle = \phantom{-} &(I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) + (I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} - (I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) - (I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \uparrow}) G_{ii}^{\uparrow \downarrow} \\ - &(I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) (I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) - (I - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \downarrow}) G_{ii}^{\downarrow \uparrow} + (I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) (I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) + (I - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} \end{aligned}\]

Next we make use of the symmetries of the model. Specifically that we do not have mixed spin terms, i.e. $G_{ij}^{\sigma \sigma^\prime} = 0$ if $\sigma \ne \sigma^\prime$. We can also replace $I$ by $1$ in the remaining cases as both spin and site index are equal. We get

\[\begin{aligned} \langle V_i \rangle = \phantom{-} &(1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) + (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} - (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) \\ - &(1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) + (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) + (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} \end{aligned}\]

which we simplify further by using $x = 1 - (1 - x)$.

\[\begin{aligned} \langle V_i \rangle &= (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) + (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) - 2 (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) \\ &= G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} + G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} - 2 G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} \end{aligned}\]

This is however not what ALF implements as the potential energy. Instead of the above, ALF uses

\[\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2} \langle V_i \rangle &= (1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow}) (1 - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow}) \\ &= 1 - G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} - G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} + G_{ii}^{\uparrow \uparrow} G_{ii}^{\downarrow \downarrow} \end{aligned}\]

which is implemented above. Finally that we have the Fourier transformed time displaced Greens function :IGk which calculates the Fourier transform of $G^\prime(\Delta r) = \int_0^\beta \sum_r c_r(\tau) c_{r + \Delta r}^\dagger(0) d\tau$.

Loading ALF Data

ALF will generate a folder with multiple files for each measurement. You should find these in your pyALF directory under ALF_data. To load everything you need to compare results we run

using Statistics
p = "path/to/ALF_data"
folders = [

# equal time Greens
dirs = []
Gs = []
dGs = []

# other equal time observables
Ts = []      # SpinT ~ 4 * (sx + sy + sz) / 3
dTs = []
SDCxys = []  # SpinXY ~ 2 * (sx + sy)
dSDCxys = []
SDCzs = []   # SpinZ ~ 4 * sz
dSDCzs = []
CDCs = []    # Den
dCDCs = []
CDCks = []    # Den
dCDCks = []

# Energies
Ks = []
dKs = []
Vs = []
dVs = []
Es = []
dEs = []

# unequal time
ks = []
Gks = []
dGks = []
CDCts = []    # Den
dCDCts = []
SDSzs = []   # SpinZ ~ 4 * sz
dSDSzs = []

function read_scal(filename)
    open(filename, "r") do f
        data = map(eachline(f)) do line
            parts = filter(x -> !isempty(x), split(line, r" +"))
            parse(Float64, split(parts[2], ',')[1][2:end])
        mean(data), std(data) / sqrt(length(data))

function readJR(filename)
    open(filename, "r") do f
        data = map(eachline(f)) do line
            parse.(Float64, filter(x -> !isempty(x), split(line, r" +")))
        drs = data[1:2:end]
        ys = getindex.(data[2:2:end], 3)
        dys = getindex.(data[2:2:end], 4)
        drs, ys, dys

function read_tauJK(filename)
    open(filename, "r") do f
        data = map(eachline(f)) do line
            parse.(Float64, filter(x -> !isempty(x), split(line, r" +")))
        dks = [d[1:2] for d in data]
        gs = [ComplexF64(d[3], d[5]) for d in data]
        dgs = [ComplexF64(d[4], d[6]) for d in data]
        dks, gs, dgs

for folder in folders
    drs, gs, dgs = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "Green_eqJR"))
    if isempty(dirs)
        push!(dirs, drs)
        @assert dirs[end] == drs
    push!(Gs, gs)
    push!(dGs, dgs)
    drs, cdcs, dcdcs = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "Den_eqJR"))
    @assert dirs[end] == drs
    push!(CDCs, cdcs)
    push!(dCDCs, dcdcs)
    drs, ts, dts = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "SpinT_eqJR"))
    @assert dirs[end] == drs
    push!(Ts, ts)
    push!(dTs, dts)
    drs, sdcxys, dsdcxys = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "SpinXY_eqJR"))
    @assert dirs[end] == drs
    push!(SDCxys, sdcxys)
    push!(dSDCxys, dsdcxys)
    drs, sdczs, dsdczs = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "SpinZ_eqJR"))
    @assert dirs[end] == drs
    push!(SDCzs, sdczs)
    push!(dSDCzs, dsdczs)
    dks, gks, dgks = readJR(joinpath(p, folder, "Den_eqJK"))
    if isempty(ks)
        push!(ks, dks)
        @assert ks[end] == dks
    push!(CDCks, gks)
    push!(dCDCks, dgks)
    dks, gks, dgks = read_tauJK(joinpath(p, folder, "Green_tauJK"))
    @assert ks[end] == dks
    push!(Gks, gks)
    push!(dGks, dgks)
    dks, gks, dgks = read_tauJK(joinpath(p, folder, "Den_tauJK"))
    @assert ks[end] == dks
    push!(CDCts, gks)
    push!(dCDCts, dgks)
    dks, gks, dgks = read_tauJK(joinpath(p, folder, "SpinZ_tauJK"))
    @assert ks[end] == dks
    push!(SDSzs, gks)
    push!(dSDSzs, dgks)
    e, de = read_scal(joinpath(p, folder, "Kin_scal"))
    push!(Ks, e)
    push!(dKs, de)
    e, de = read_scal(joinpath(p, folder, "Pot_scal"))
    push!(Vs, e)
    push!(dVs, de)
    e, de = read_scal(joinpath(p, folder, "Ener_scal"))
    push!(Es, e)
    push!(dEs, de)

mc_drs = MonteCarlo.directions(mcs[1] |> lattice)
idxs = map(v -> findfirst(isequal(v), dirs[1]), mc_drs)
idxs[end-1] = 13

The only thing worth mentioning here is the order of offset vectors $\Delta r$. The order of observable values is linked to these vectors, whose order differs between MonteCarlo.jl and ALF. To adjust the order we compute idxs here. Note that because we work with periodic lattices there are multiple valid options for some of these vectors. Because of this we set one index explicitly.

Comparing the results

To compare the results we will plot points over each other. Most observables have the same layout, i.e. values vs either spatial or reciprocal distance vectors. We will plot these with the following functions.

using CairoMakie, LaTeXStrings, LinearAlgebra
import MonteCarloAnalysis # fourier transform

function plot_by_distance(
        ys, dys, key; 
        idxs = idxs, xs = 1:16, xticks = map(v -> "[$(v[1]), $(v[2])]", mc_drs), 
        ylabel, legend_pos = :rt

    fig = Figure(figure_padding = (10, 20, 10, 10))
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"Distance $\Delta r$", ylabel = ylabel)

    cs = (:blue, :purple, :red)
    for l in 1:3 # temperature index
        band!(ax, xs, ys[l][idxs] .- dys[l][idxs], ys[l][idxs] .+ dys[l][idxs], color = (cs[l], 0.1))
        scatter!(ax, xs, ys[l][idxs], color = cs[l], marker='+', markersize=12)

        low  = real(mean(mcs[l][key]) .- try std_error(mcs[l][key]) catch e; 0.0 end)
        high = real(mean(mcs[l][key]) .+ try std_error(mcs[l][key]) catch e; 0.0 end)
        band!(ax, xs[:], low[:], high[:], color = (cs[l], 0.1))
        scatter!(ax, xs, mean(mcs[l][key])[:], color = cs[l], marker='x', markersize=12)

    lbls = [
        "β = 1", "β = 1",
        "β = 6", "β = 6",
        "β = 12", "β = 12"
    axislegend(ax, ax.scene.plots[3:2:end], lbls, "  ALF    MonteCarlo.jl", nbanks=2, position = legend_pos)

    ax.xticks[] = (xs, xticks)
    ax.xticklabelrotation[] = -0.7

    # to fix bad spacing, likely unnecessary in the near future
    ax.xlabelpadding[] = 10
    fig, ax

function plot_reciprocal(
        ys, dys, key; 
        xs = 1:16, ylabel, legend_pos = :rt,
        xticks = labels = map(ks[1]) do k
            pieces = map(k) do x
                if x ≈ 0.5f0 * pi;       "π/2"
                elseif x ≈ 1f0 * pi;     "π"
                elseif x ≈ -0.5f0 * pi;  "-π/2"
                elseif x ≈ 0.0;          "0"
                else;                    "$x"
            "[" * join(pieces, ", ") * "]"

    fig = Figure(figure_padding = (10, 20, 10, 10))
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = L"Reciprocal Vector $\Delta k$", ylabel = ylabel)

    cs = (:blue, :purple, :red)
    for l in 1:3 # temperature index
        low  = real(real(ys[l]) .- real(dys[l]))
        high = real(real(ys[l]) .+ real(dys[l]))
        band!(ax, xs, low, high, color = (cs[l], 0.1))
        scatter!(ax, xs, real(ys[l]), color = cs[l], marker='+', markersize=12)

        _ys = let
            m = mcs[l][key]
            fourier(ks[1], directions(lattice(mcs[l]), m.lattice_iterator), mean(m))
        _dys = map(1:16) do j
            vals = std_error(mcs[l][key])[:]
            dirs = directions(lattice(mcs[l]))
            q = ks[1][j]
            sum((cis(dot(q, v)) * o)^2 for (v, o) in zip(dirs, vals)) |> mean |> sqrt

        low  = real(_ys .- _dys)
        high = real(_ys .+ _dys)
        band!(ax, xs, low, high, color = (cs[l], 0.1))
        scatter!(ax, xs, real(_ys), color = cs[l], marker='x', markersize=12)

    lbls = [
        "β = 1", "β = 1",
        "β = 6", "β = 6",
        "β = 12", "β = 12"
    axislegend(ax, ax.scene.plots[3:2:end], lbls, "  ALF    MonteCarlo.jl", nbanks=2, position = legend_pos)

    ax.xticks[] = (xs, xticks)
    ax.xticklabelrotation[] = -0.7

    # to fix bad spacing, likely unnecessary in the near future
    ax.xlabelpadding[] = 10
    fig, ax

Equal time Greens function

The equal time Greens function shows a clean overlap between the two libraries.

fig, ax = plot_by_distance(
    Gs, dGs, :Gr, factor = 2.0, 
    ylabel = "δ(Δr) - G(Δr) = ∑ᵣ ⟨c^†(r) c(r + Δr)⟩"
)"equal_time_greens.png", fig)

Time displaced Greens function

For the time-displaced Greens function the overlap becomes visibly less precise. This is likely a result of the different transformations used. Reducing $\Delta \tau$ in MonteCarlo.jl decreases the error.

fig, ax = plot_reciprocal(
    Gks, dGks, :IGk,
    ylabel = "Integrated Greens function ∑ₖ ∫ ⟨c(τ, k) c^†(0, k + Δk)⟩ dτ"
)"time_displaced_greens.png", fig)


For the kinetic energy and interaction we only get one value per simulation so we just compare them numerically. In this case all values match with errors. The first group shows kinetic energy and the second interaction.

Inv. Temp.ALFMonteCarlo.jlALFMonteCarlo.jl
1-16.855 ± 0.005-16.83 ± 0.078.775 ± 0.0038.75 ± 0.03
6-21.107 ± 0.002-21.00 ± 0.087.72 ± 0.027.64 ± 0.09
12-21.109 ± 0.002-21.12 ± 0.097.538 ± 0.0067.54 ± 0.05

Charge Density Correlations

Like the equal time Greens function the charge density matches close to exactly.

fig, ax = plot_by_distance(CDCs, dCDCs, :DenDen, ylabel = "Charge Density Correlation ∑ᵣ ⟨n(r) n(r + Δr)⟩")"charge_density_correlation.png", fig)

Charge Density Susceptibility

The charge susceptibility shows some larger errors but still matches fairly well. The errors we see here are generally smaller than what we saw in the integrated Greens function.

fig, ax = plot_reciprocal(
    CDCts, dCDCts, :DenDenTau,
    ylabel = "Charge Density Susceptibility ∑ᵣ ∫ ⟨n(τ, r) n(0, r + Δr)⟩ dτ"
)"charge_density_susceptibility.png", fig)

Spin Density Correlation

Like the other equal time correlations spin density also fits almost exactly.

fig, ax = plot_by_distance(SDCzs, dSDCzs, :SDCz, ylabel = "Spin Density Correlation ∑ᵣ ⟨s_z(r) s_z(r + Δr)⟩")"spin_density_correlation.png", fig)

Spin Density Susceptibility

Like the other susceptibilities, this shows some larger deviations than its equal time variant but no qualitative difference from ALF.

lbl = L"Spin Density Susceptibility $\sum_{r, r^\prime} \int_0^\beta s_z(\tau, r) s_z(0, r^\prime) e^{i \Delta k (r^\prime - r)} d\tau$"
fig, ax = plot_reciprocal(
    SDSzs, dSDSzs, :SDSz, legend_pos = :lt,
    ylabel = lbl
)"spin_density_susceptibility.png", fig)