Monte Carlo (MC)

This is plain simple Monte Carlo (MC). It can for example be used to simulate the Ising model (see 2D Ising model).

You can initialize a Monte Carlo simulation of a given model simply through

mc = MC(model)

Allowed keywords are:

  • beta: inverse temperature
  • sweeps: number of measurement sweeps
  • thermalization: number of thermalization (warmup) sweeps
  • global_moves: wether global moves should be proposed
  • global_rate: frequency for proposing global moves
  • seed: initialize MC with custom seed

Afterwards, you can run the simulation by


Note that you can just do another run!(mc, sweeps=1000) to continue the simulation.


You can find example simulations of the 2D Ising model under Getting started and here: 2D Ising model.


replay(mc::MC[, configurations::Iterable = mc.configs; kwargs...])

Replays previously generated configurations and measures observables along the way.

Keyword Arguments:

  • verbose = true: If true, print progress messaged to stdout.
  • safe_every::TimePeriod: Set the interval for regularly scheduled saves.
  • safe_before::Date: If this date is passed, replay! will generate a

resumable save file and exit

  • grace_period = Minute(5): Buffer between the current time and safe_before.

The time required to generate a save file should be included here.

  • filename: Name of the save file. The default is based on safe_before.
  • measure_rate = 1: Rate at which measurements are taken. Note that this is

based on the recorded configurations, not actual sweeps.

run!(mc::MC[; kwargs...])

Runs the given Monte Carlo simulation mc. Returns SUCCESS::ExitCode = 0 if the simulation finished normally or various other codes if failed or cancelled. See ExitCode.

Keyword Arguments:

  • verbose = true: If true, print progress messaged to stdout.
  • thermalization: Number of thermalization sweeps. Uses the value passed to

DQMC by default.

  • sweeps: Number of measurement sweeps. Uses the value passed to DQMC by


  • safe_every::TimePeriod: Set the interval for regularly scheduled saves.
  • safe_before::Date: If this date is passed, run! will generate a resumable

save file and exit

  • grace_period = Minute(5): Buffer between the current time and safe_before.

The time required to generate a save file should be included here.

  • resumable_filename: Name of the resumable save file. The default is based on


  • overwrite = false: If set to true a file with the same name as

resumable_filename will be overwritten. (This will create a temporary backup)

See also: resume!

MC(m::M; kwargs...) where M<:Model

Create a Monte Carlo simulation for model m with keyword parameters kwargs.

MC(m::M, params::Dict)
MC(m::M, params::NamedTuple)

Create a Monte Carlo simulation for model m with (keyword) parameters as specified in the dictionary/named tuple params.


Potential extensions

Pull requests are very much welcome!

  • Heat bath (instead of Metropolis) option