Interface: Monte Carlo (MC)

Any model that wants to be simulated by means of MC must implement the following interface. Below you find all semantic definitions and precise signatures of mandatory fields and mandatory and optional methods that any model should implement to work with the Monte Carlo flavor Monte Carlo (MC).

Example models: Ising Model

Mandatory fields

Index of all methods

Mandatory methods

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for conftype(::Type{MC}, m::Model). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for energy(mc::MC, m::Model, conf). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for rand(::MC, ::Model). Check Documenter's build log for details.

propose_local(mc::DQMC, m::Model, field::AbstractField, i::Int, slice::Int)

Propose a local move for lattice site i at time slice slice for a field holding the current configuration. Returns the Green's function determinant ratio, the boson energy difference ΔE_boson = E_boson_new - E_boson, and any extra information passthrough that might be useful in accept_local.

By default this function will call propose_local(mc, field, i, slice).

See also accept_local!.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for accept_local!(mc::MC, m::Model, i::Int, conf, E::Float64, delta_i, delta_E::Float64). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Optional methods

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for global_move(mc::MC, m::Model, conf, E::Float64). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for prepare_observables(mc::MC, m::Model). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for measure_observables!(mc::MC, m::Model, obs::Dict{String,Observable}, conf, E::Float64). Check Documenter's build log for details.

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for finish_observables!(mc::MC, m::Model, obs::Dict{String,Observable}). Check Documenter's build log for details.