Matrix Decompositions


Based on the (pivoted) QR decomposition, we introduce a $UDT$ factorization,

\[\begin{aligned} B = QR = UDT, \end{aligned}\]

where we have split $R$ into a diagonal piece $D$ and upper triangular piece $T$. Hence, $U = Q$ is unitary, $D = \textrm{diag}(R)$ is a real diagonal matrix, and $T$ is upper triangular.

To decompose a given matrix M the udt function is exported.

julia> M = rand(10,10);

julia> udt(M)
UDT{Float64,Float64,Array{Float64,2}}([-0.246588 0.12668 … 0.582208 0.206435; -0.373953 -0.300804 … 0.152994 0.0523203; … ; -0.214686 -0.403362 … -0.124248 -0.390502; -0.40412 -0.147009 … 0.1839 0.197964], [2.15087, 1.47129, 1.14085, 0.911765, 0.850504, 0.620149, 0.545588, 0.412213, 0.305983, 0.148787], [-0.597235 -1.0 … -0.678767 -0.59054; -0.385741 0.0 … -1.0 -0.361263; … ; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0; 0.0 0.0 … 0.0 0.0])

In our tests (see paper/), this decomposition turns out to be superior to SVD for DQMC.

SVD factorization

A singular value decomposition (SVD) is given by

\[\begin{aligned} B = USV^\dagger, \end{aligned}\]

where $U$ is unitary, $S$ is a real diagonal matrix, and $V^\dagger$ is unitary.

The package provides convenient access to several LAPACK algorithms for calculating singular value decompositions (SVDs):

  • gesdd, gesdd!: Divide and conquer
  • gesvd, gesvd!: Regular
  • gesvj, gesvj!: Jacobi (based on JacobiSVD.jl)

Furthermore, you can access a type-generic, pure Julia implementation,

However, to keep the dependencies of the package minimal, only the first two are available by default and loading of the Jacobi or type-generic SVD is opt-in. We provide convenience functions StableDQMC.addJacobiSVD() and StableDQMC.addGenericSVD() to facilitate this process. See below for a quick demonstration.

Automagically opt-in to JacobiSVD/GenericSVD

julia> using StableDQMC

julia> gesvj
ERROR: UndefVarError: gesvj not defined

julia> StableDQMC.addJacobiSVD()
  Updating registry at C:\Users\carsten\.julia\registries\General
  Updating git-repo
  Updating git-repo
 Resolving package versions...
  Updating C:\Users\carsten\Desktop\stabledqmctest\Project.toml
  [2ca068c6] + JacobiSVD v0.0.0 #master (
  Updating C:\Users\carsten\Desktop\stabledqmctest\Manifest.toml
  [2ca068c6] + JacobiSVD v0.0.0 #master (
┌ Warning: Package StableDQMC does not have JacobiSVD in its dependencies:
│ - If you have StableDQMC checked out for development and have
│   added JacobiSVD as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│   environment's manifest file, try Pkg.resolve().
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with StableDQMC
└ Loading JacobiSVD into StableDQMC from project dependency, future warnings for StableDQMC are suppressed.
[ Info: Recompiling stale cache file C:\Users\carsten.julia\compiled\v1.1\JacobiSVD\Frhox.ji for JacobiSVD [2ca068c6-2156-5cf0-8317-c67edf277a2c]

julia> gesvj # gesvj and gesvj! are available now
gesvj (generic function with 1 method)

Manual opt-in

Provided that you have JacobiSVD.jl (or GenericSVD.jl) installed, you can get the LAPACK access functions gesvj, gesvj! (or genericsvd, genericsvd!) simply by import JacobiSVD (import GenericSVD).

julia> using StableDQMC

julia> gesvj
ERROR: UndefVarError: gesvj not defined

julia> import JacobiSVD # using might lead to name conflicts

julia> gesvj # gesvj and gesvj! are available now
gesvj (generic function with 1 method)