
ThreadPinning.jl allows you to pin Julia threads to specific CPU-threads (i.e. "hardware threads" or, equivalently, "CPU processors") via functions, environment variables, or Julia preferences. Especially for applications running on HPC clusters, this is often absolutely crucial to achieve optimal performance and/or obtain reliable benchmarks (see Why pin Julia threads?).


Be aware that Julia implements task-based multithreading: M user tasks get scheduled onto N Julia threads. While this package allows you to pin Julia threads to CPU-threads, it is generally not safe to assume that a computation (started with Threads.@spawn or Threads.@threads) will run on or even stay on a certain Julia thread (see this discourse post for more information). If you want this guarantee, you can use our @tspawnat macro instead.


Note: Only Linux is supported!

The package is registered. Hence, you can simply use

] add ThreadPinning

to add the package to your Julia environment.


To gather information about the hardware topology of the system (e.g. sockets and memory domains), ThreadPinning.jl uses lscpu. The latter must therefore be available (i.e. be on PATH), which should automatically be the case on virtually all linux systems.

In the unlikely case that lscpu isn't already installed on your system, here are a few ways to get it

  • install util-linux via your system's package manager or manually from here
  • download the same as a Julia artifact: util_linux_jll.jl

Autoupdate setting

By default, ThreadPinning.jl queries the system topology using lscpu on startup (i.e. at runtime). This is quite costly but is unfortunately necessary since you might have precompiled the package on one machine and use it from another (think e.g. login and compute nodes of a HPC cluster). However, you can tell ThreadPinning.jl to permanently skip this autoupdate at runtime and to always use the system topology that was present at compile time (i.e. when precompiling the package). This is perfectly save if you don't use the same Julia depot on different machines, in particular if you're a "standard user" that uses Julia on a desktop computer or laptop, and can reduce the package load time significantly. To do so, simply call ThreadPinning.Prefs.set_autoupdate(false).

Terminology in This Package

  • CPU: Chip that sits in a socket and (almost always) hosts multiple CPU-cores.
  • CPU-cores: Physical processor cores of the CPU.
  • CPU-threads: Hardware threads (a.k.a. "virtual cores") within the CPU-cores.
  • CPU ID: Unique ID that identifies a specific CPU-thread. (This is somewhat inconsistent but has been chosen for brevity and backwards-compatibility reasons.)

If the system supports SMT ("hyperthreading"), there are more CPU-threads than CPU-cores (most commonly a factor of two more). Independent of the CPU vendor, we refer to all but the first CPU-threads in a core as hyperthreads (order is taken from lscpu). The latter are highlighted differently in output, see threadinfo().

Noteworthy Alternatives

  • Simply setting JULIA_EXCLUSIVE=1 will pin Julia threads to CPU-threads in "physical order" (i.e. as specified by lscpu), which might or might not include hyperthreads.
  • pinthreads or likwid-pin (CLI tool) from LIKWID.jl
  • This discourse thread discusses issues with alternatives like numactl
