
IJulia/Jupyter installation

This is the part of the installation that is most likely to fail since IJulia depends on Jupyter and therefore Python.

Generally, the IJulia installation strategy is to check if there is a system-wide python available. If that's the case, it tries to install jupyter there. If not, it installs a boxed mini python (through Conda.jl). You can trigger the IJulia installation by

using Pkg

as I show in this youtube video.

IJulia can't find my global python

In this case, fire up Julia and enter

ENV["PYTHON"] = "path/to/python"

where path/to/python is the path to you python installation. Note that the path should include the executable as well! Hence, on windows, it is path/to/python.exe and not just path/to/.

Afterwards, rebuild IJulia (or ] add IJulia if you haven't tried to install it)

using Pkg"IJulia")

IJulia fails to install a mini python

In this case I recommend to install a global python separately and then use the steps explained above (IJulia can't find my global python).

On linux, you should use your package manager to install python and jupyter.

On windows, you can install Anaconda.

For more information check out the Jupyter documentation.

Manual installation of a workshop

If, for some reason, the WorkshopWizard doesn't work for you, you can use these manual instructions to install a workshop manually. We will demonstrate the necessary stepts for the JuliaNRW21 workshop.

Downloading the workshop

If you have git installed, just git clone If you don't have git installed, or can't access it from the commmand line, start a fresh Julia instance and run

using LibGit2
LibGit2.clone("", "some/where/on/my/computer/JuliaNRW21")

where you replace some/where/on/my/computer/ with a download path to your liking.

Installing and precompiling the dependencies

Open up a Julia REPL and navigate to the JuliaNRW21 directory


We now install all Julia package dependencies (instantiate the workshop's Julia environment) and precompile them by running the following snippet

using Pkg
pkg"activate ."
pkg"precompile" # this may take a while

Making IJulia globally available

You probably want to add IJulia to the global Julia environment, typically called v1.x. To do this, start a fresh Julia REPL (or ] activate) and execute

] add IJulia

If you have installed and precompiled the workshop dependencies before this should take almost no time, since IJulia is already installed. It just needs to be added to the environment.

Things are set up correctly if you can start the notebook server in a fresh Julia REPL with

using IJulia