
In this section we describe how to use the WorkshopWizard.

Getting the latest workshop

To quickly get the latest workshop, install the wizard (copy-paste to Julia REPL)

] add

and start the magic

using WorkshopWizard

That's it! You can now start the Jupyter notebook server and dive into the workshop materials:

using IJulia

The default download path is the desktop, on windows, or the home directory, on linux/macOS.

Note: When running notebook() for the first time, IJulia might ask you whether it should install jupyter for you (because it couldn't find an existing installation). Just say yes.


wizard demo

Unattended installation

If you want to install the latest workshop without interactivity you can use WorkshopWizard.install():

julia> using WorkshopWizard

julia> WorkshopWizard.install();
[ Info: Downloading "JuliaNRWSS21" to /home/runner/JuliaNRWSS21
Username for '': ERROR: GitError(Code:EUSER, Class:Callback, Aborting, user cancelled credential request.)